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Sílvia Cristina Nunes

Senior Researcher

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Sílvia Cristina Cláudio Nunes is graduated in Industrial Chemistry at UBI in 2002, with a classification of 16 values. In 2008, he obtained his doctorate in Chemistry from UTAD, with a classification of “Approved with Distinction and Praise”. He began his postdoctoral work in 2010, at the University of Beira Interior, in collaboration with the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, acquiring experience in the synthesis, via sol-gel and self-organization, of ordered polymer/siloxane hybrids. She is currently involved in the synthesis of membranes based on polysaccharides and class II polymer/siloxane hybrids, incorporating ionic salts and/or lanthanide complexes and/or ionic liquids and/or carbon dots, aiming at applications in electrochemical devices, such as luminescent “smart windows” and solar concentrators. She is author/co-author: 1 book chapter and 45 articles, published in international SCI journals with an average impact index of 3.65, over 538 total citations. Its h-index is 14 (Scopus). She is the author/co-author of 24 oral communications and 59 posters presented at international/national conferences and has participated in several funded research projects.